Micro X-Ray Fluorescence (Micro-XRF) model Orbis Micro-XRF

Micro X-Ray Fluorescence (Micro-XRF) model Orbis Micro-XRF

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Product Description

Orbis Micro-XRF Analyzers incorporate fast and have simultaneous multi-element X-ray detection with the sensitivity to analyze from parts-per-million to 100% concentrations. Users can conduct elemental analysis on small samples, such as particles, fragments, and inclusions, or automated multi-point and imaging analysis on larger samples, with all of the benefits and simplicity of an XRF analyzer. Wide variety of application: crimical forensic, industrial QC, NDT, material, electronic, and geological is able to perform by Orbis SDD and Orbis PC SDD.

The Orbis from EDAX signifies a new generation of X-ray microfluorescence (XRMF) systems.  Packed into a compact, tabletop design, the Orbis is one of the most versatile tools available for inorganic elemental analysis.

  • Non-destructive sample analysis
  • Little or no sample preparation for most materials (solids, liquids, powders, films and coatings, non-conductive, polymers...)
  • Large sample chamber accommodates irregular sample sizes and shapes
  • Fast, simultaneous, multi-element detection for elements sodium to uranium
  • Sensitivity from PPM to 100% concentration levels
  • Small analytical spot (down to 30 µm with Orbis PC)
  • Unique optical turret design incorporating multiple X-ray spot sizes up to 2 mm
  • Analysis in air or vacuum
  • Simple, optical based point and click navigation
  • Qualitative, quantitative and spatial distribution information

Applications:  The Orbis is used to analyze fragments, particles and larger objects and components where targeted measurements and distributional analyses can be made.  Applications include criminal forensics, industrial quality control, microelectronics, coating thickness/composition measurements, RoHS, non-destructive testing, geology and more.


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