Hitachi TM4000Plus II

Hitachi TM4000Plus II

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Product Description

The TM4000 Series features innovation and cutting-edge technologies which redefine the capabilities of a tabletop microscope. This new generation of the long-standing Hitachi tabletop microscopes (TM) integrates ease of use, optimized imaging, and high-image quality, while maintaining the compact design of the well-established Hitachi TM Series products. Experience the new dimension of tabletop microscopes with the Hitachi TM4000 II and TM4000Plus II.


General Characteristic

×10 - ×100,000 (Photographic magnification)

×25 - ×250,000 (Monitor display magnification)

Accelerating Voltage range 5 kV, 10 kV, 15 kV, 20 kV
Electron Source

Pre-centered cartridge tungsten filament

Maximum sample size

80 mm (in diameter)

Sample stage traverse

X : 40 mm

Y : 35 mm

T : -15 - 45°*

R : 360°*


Maximum sample thickness

50 mm

Signal detector

High-Sensitivity 4-segment BSE detector

High-Sensitivity Low-Vacuum SE detector

Analysis system

Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS)*


Image signal

Secondary electron (SE)

Backscattered electron (BSE)

Mix (BSE + SE)




Vacuum mode

Charging reduction
Conductor (BSE only)


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